What is the Most Natural Diaper Rash Cream - NOLEO Natural Ingredients You Can Trust !

At NOLEO®, we believe in Clean Baby Care - and our bodies are healthiest when we use only what is necessary to protect and nourish them.
NOLEO®’s 3-in-1 Diaper Care rash cream contains only five natural ingredients, all with an essential purpose. No fillers, no buzzwords allowed!
Simply 5 natural ingredients -- and a purpose for each of them
- ORGANIC SUNFLOWER OIL: Rich in vitamin E. Antioxidants like vitamin E neutralize free radicals,keeping them from destroying or damaging healthy cells.
- ORGANIC OLIVE OIL: Unlike commercial moisturizer that can clog pores and exacerbate current skin conditions, olive oil penetrates deeply into the baby's skin.
- LIMEWATER: Limewater is made from calcium hydroxide, a mineral powder, and water. It cleans the skin and naturally balances the skin's pH.
- GLYCERYL STEARATE: Formed through a reaction of glycerin with stearic acid, which is a fatty acid that comes from vegetable fats and oils. It is used to naturally bond water and essential oils.
- BEESWAX: Beeswax acts as a great moisture barrier, and natural source of Vitamin A ,soothing temporary itching diaper rash without suffocating the skin.
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