How Cloth Diaper Washing Routines with Diaper Cream Prevent Diaper Rash

The culprits of diaper rash can be found many places. Some notorious ingredients such as zinc oxide and petrolatum (petroleum jelly) could cause baby's skin irritation and diaper rash happen around baby's diaper area. Those ingredients are often found in diaper rash creams or diaper ointment. For more on the causes of serious or moderate butt rash, visit our diaper rash 101 post on the topic.
Whether you use cloth diapers, disposable diapers or both kinds, always change your baby's diaper as soon as possible after he or she wets or soils the diaper to keep baby's bottom as clean and dry as possible. Frequent diaper change is the simplest way that can prevent baby's diaper rash and keep baby's bum clean.
If you decide to use cloth diapers, careful washing can help prevent cloth diaper rash. Washing methods vary and many routines work well. The key is to clean, disinfect and remove soap residue that cause irritated skin. You could prevent your baby's sensitive skin or dry skin from cloth diaper rash when applying the simple cloth diaper washing routines. Here's one effective method:
- Pre-soak heavily soiled cloth diapers in cold water.
- Wash diapers in hot water with a mild detergent and bleach. Bleach kills germs. You could also add vinegar to the wash cycle to eliminate odors and rinse out soap residue.
- Double rinse the diapers in cold water to remove traces of chemicals and soap.
- Skip fabric softener and dryer sheets because they can contain fragrances that may irritate your baby's skin .
- Dry the cloth diapers thoroughly before next use.
- Apply some diaper creams safe for cloth diapers when needed.
You can apply some diaper cream for cloth diapers when changing your baby's diaper. Be careful when using the diaper balm or diaper rash ointment that may contain irritants to your baby's skin. Make sure to use the diaper cream without any irritants like zinc oxide.
Our cloth diaper safe cream is designed specifically for baby's sensitive skin. Without any mineral oil, ointment, petrolatum chemicals, or zinc oxide, it is a baby's diaper rash cream safe for cloth diapers and your baby's skin. There are only 5 natural ingredients including beeswax and organic sunflower oil which has rich vitamin E in this cloth diaper rash cream. Beeswax acts as a great moisture barrier that can prevent your baby's skin from irritants or chemicals. Beeswax is also a natural source of vitamin A that soothes temporary itching without suffocating the baby's skin. With other essential oil, our natural diaper rash cream is a good barrier cream for your baby's bum and the cloth diaper. If cloth diapers rash happened, don't panic, visit our post on the topic.
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