NOLEO Subscription FAQs
After Month 1, Change Your Subscription However, Whenever
Pick the Subscription option that best meets your family’s needs
•Save 5% at every delivery •Free Shipping •Cancel Anytime
How do I modify the products I receive on my subscription?
You may change your current subscription at any time. To do so, follow these three steps:
Step 1: Head over to the Subscriptions section of your account dashboard.
Step 2: Choose the item you would like to change.
- To modify the subscription of a product, click on "Edit"
- To cancel the subscription of a product, click on "Cancel"
- To add a new product to the subscription, click on "Add Product"
Step 3: Double-check and then confirm the change you’re making to the subscription with the “Save Subscription Changes.”
Can I modify other delivery parameters?
Step 1: Head over to the Subscriptions section of your account dashboard.
Step 2: Choose the item you would like to change and click on "Edit".
Step 3: Choose the parameter you would like to modify and click on "Change" (eg: "Change Product Quantity").
Can I pause my subscription?
Going on vacation? Too much NOLEO at home and need to hit pause? Just want to take a break? No need to cancel. It’s easy to skip one or more shipments.
3 steps…
Step 1: If you haven’t already, log in to your account.
Step 2: Head over to the Subscriptions section of your account dashboard and click the ‘Edit’ button. You can also skip a specific delivery date by clicking on the "Delivery Schedule" section of your dashboard.
Step 3: The choice is yours:
- Skip Next Shipment: Skip just your next scheduled shipment
- Pause my subscription until…: Pause your subscription by choosing a date on which you want it to automatically resume
And voila! The subscription is now paused and will automatically resume on the date indicated!