NOLEO Subscription FAQs

After Month 1, Change Your Subscription However, Whenever

Pick the Subscription option that best meets your family’s needs
•Save 5% at every delivery •Free Shipping •Cancel Anytime 

How do I modify the products I receive on my subscription?

You may change your current subscription at any time. To do so, follow these three steps:

Step 1: Head over to the Subscriptions section of your account dashboard.

Step 2: Choose the item you would like to change.

- To modify the subscription of a product, click on "Edit"
- To cancel the subscription of a product, click on "Cancel"
- To add a new product to the subscription, click on "Add Product"

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Step 3: Double-check and then confirm the change you’re making to the subscription with the “Save Subscription Changes.”


Can I modify other delivery parameters?

Step 1: Head over to the Subscriptions section of your account dashboard.

Step 2: Choose the item you would like to change and click on "Edit".

Step 3: Choose the parameter you would like to modify and click on "Change" (eg: "Change Product Quantity").

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Can I pause my subscription?

Going on vacation? Too much NOLEO at home and need to hit pause? Just want to take a break? No need to cancel. It’s easy to skip one or more shipments.

3 steps…

Step 1: If you haven’t already, log in to your account.

Step 2: Head over to the Subscriptions section of your account dashboard and click the ‘Edit’ button. You can also skip a specific delivery date by clicking on the "Delivery Schedule" section of your dashboard. 

Step 3:  The choice is yours:

  • Skip Next Shipment: Skip just your next scheduled shipment
  • Pause my subscription until…: Pause your subscription by choosing a date on which you want it to automatically resume

And voila! The subscription is now paused and will automatically resume on the date indicated!

subscription noleo noleocare baby babycare diaper rash pregnancy